grow up and change...

gimana kalo nanti pada akhirnya semua ngga berjalan sesuai rencana?
gimana kalo nanti pada akhirnya aku masih belum yakin?
gimana kalo nanti pada akhirnya aku ngga sama kamu?
gimana kalo nanti pada akhirnya aku jadi nikah sama kamu?
gimana kalo nanti pada akhirnya aku ngga bisa hidup seperti orang tuaku?
gimana kalo nanti pada akhirnya semua berjalan sesuai rencana?

i got what i want. but not what i need!!!

meredith pernah bilang kalo,....

there comes a point in your life when you're officially an adult.
suddenly you're old enough to vote.
drink and engage in other adult activities.
suddenly people expect you to be responsible.
serious a grown-up.
we get taller,
we get older.
but, do we ever really grow up?

in some ways we grow up. we have families, we get married, divorce (hopefully not). but still we have some problems that we did when we were 15. no matter how much we grow taller, grow older, we are still forever stumbling...
forever wondering...
forever young...

and it's all about change...

change, we don't like it.
we fear it. but we can't stopped when it coming.
we either adapt to change, or we get left behind.
it's hurt to grow. anybody who tells you, it doesn't lying.
but here's the truth.
sometimes the more thing's change, the more they stay the same.
and sometime's change is good.
sometime's change is everything.


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