same name

iseng-iseng nyobain nyari nama gw di google dan shock..ternyata..sebanyak itukah yang mempunyai nama sama dengan gw? here’s the result…

well i start searched with my real name as my parent gave me.. and i found over twenty thousand in the google. for exact number about 22,400 for my real name.. damn it!!! it’s a huge nominal.. i start thinking that i will gave my daughter/son name minimal only ten people have it..hihiihi… then i have to try to make uniqe ones..

then i searched again with using my nick name.. actually that’s my WorldWideWeb name.. and it more shocking me.. it’s almost a million?? about 929,000 for sure… aarrrggghhh…. definetely i have to find a good and uniqe name one for my kiddo.. uuuggghhh…. is that because there’s so many people in this world and the chance to had the same name more possible?


  1. liat doong nama aku cuma satu,ahaha, tapi dijadiin merk mobil
    keren ya :)


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