Messenger bag DIY


I want to share another project done by "Kedai Kamalei" 

My inspiration from zaaberry.

for my messenger bag here's what you need : 

2 pieces of fabric for bag outer, 12" X 5" (I used denim)
2 pieces of fabric for bag outer, 12" X 5" (I used cotton)
2 pieces of fabric for bag lining, 12" X 9"
2 pieces of medium weight fusible interfacing for bag bottom, 12" x 9" (optional. i'm not using it)

2 pieces of fabric for flap, 9.5" X 8" 
(I used a contrasting fabric for one side and denim for the other)

1 piece of medium weight fusible interfacing for flap, 9.5" X 8" (optional. i'm not using it)

1 piece of fabric for strap 32" x 8" (I used denim)
1 piece of batting for strap, 32" x 4" (this is optional. i'm not using it)

how to make it? you can learn from zaaberry. 😉😉


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