3 countries 2 continents,..

أهلا وسهلا,...

dear all,... ceritanya,.. berturut-turut hari minggu, senin dan rabu kemarin, saya dapet oleh-oleh dari tiga negara dan dua benua yg berbeda,.. aseeekk,.. :D

here's the first one : 
this gift from someone whose happen to be one of my best friends which worked at Saudi,. 
syukron habibiti,.. 

another one : 
this key chain come from mas amrin, whose went to Europe to do some jobs,. 
which is fun,..fun,.. *i envy him*

and the last one,.. 

well i dont have the picture yet,. 
i'll update soon,.. 
*pinkypromise* ;) 


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