Quiche Lorraine
lagi lagi bisa postingnya jam seginian,...
alhamdulillah,.. masih bisa keep up posting blog,..
since my one year old baby bala-bala kept me busy everyday,.. so night or dawn are the perfect time for "me time"...
still thinking for my next knitting project,. would it be cardigan or bolero for sarrah? or pull over for me? or cap for ayah? still confuse what should i do first?
anyway, if you find any wrong spells or bad grammar in my posting,..
please be kindly to correct my words,.. after all, i'm still learning,..
learning English while blogging, also learn to write while blogging,..
well,.. as you can see the title above "Quiche Lorraine" is a savoury, open-faced pastry crust with a filling of savory custard with cheese, meat, seafood, or vegetables. Quiche can be served hot or cold. It is part of French cuisine but is also popular in other countries, particularly as party food. (wikipedia )
this food kept bugging me every time i browsed for recipes. lets say Martha Stewart home page, or allrecipes page and even my senior kak nony blog page posted about this dish. last time i was looking for bread pudding recipes,. quiche Lorraine was the home page of catatan nina.
it means that i should try this recipes as soon as posible,..
and here we go,.....
my first "QUICHE LORRAINE" based on catatan nina blog recipes
coming soon,.... my first time pempek....... ^-^
lagi lagi bisa postingnya jam seginian,...
alhamdulillah,.. masih bisa keep up posting blog,..
since my one year old baby bala-bala kept me busy everyday,.. so night or dawn are the perfect time for "me time"...
still thinking for my next knitting project,. would it be cardigan or bolero for sarrah? or pull over for me? or cap for ayah? still confuse what should i do first?
anyway, if you find any wrong spells or bad grammar in my posting,..
please be kindly to correct my words,.. after all, i'm still learning,..
learning English while blogging, also learn to write while blogging,..
well,.. as you can see the title above "Quiche Lorraine" is a savoury, open-faced pastry crust with a filling of savory custard with cheese, meat, seafood, or vegetables. Quiche can be served hot or cold. It is part of French cuisine but is also popular in other countries, particularly as party food. (wikipedia )
this food kept bugging me every time i browsed for recipes. lets say Martha Stewart home page, or allrecipes page and even my senior kak nony blog page posted about this dish. last time i was looking for bread pudding recipes,. quiche Lorraine was the home page of catatan nina.
it means that i should try this recipes as soon as posible,..
and here we go,.....
my first "QUICHE LORRAINE" based on catatan nina blog recipes
Bahan kulit :
350 gr tepung terigu protein sedang
200 gr margarin
3 butir kuning telur
50 ml air es
bahan isi :
100 gr bayam (gw pake seadanya di kulkas aja), rendam dgn air panas, tiriskan lalu iris kecil-kecil
sosis sapi secukupnya (you can put as much as you like) iris tipis
1 buah bawang bombay cincang
keju cheddar secukupnya
bahan custard :
500 ml susu cair
5 butir kuning telur
3/4 sdt garam
1/4 sdt merica
----campur semua bahan custard ini-----
- siapkan loyang, olesi mentega. aku pake alumunium foil ukuran 20 untuk pie. karena tepiannya rata, jadi hasli adonan kulit tidak bergelombang seperti pie biasanya. jangan lupa panaskan oven 170 derjat C.
- untuk bahan kulit, campur tepung terigu, mentega dan kuning telur, aduk hingga berbulir-bulir. perlahan masukkan air es, aduk hingga adonan bisa dibulatkan.
- giling adonan hingga tipis, lalu letakkan dalam loyang. tusuk-tusuk bagian dasarnya dengan garpu, lalu masak dalam oven selama 15 menit.
- isi dengan bahan isian.
- lalu tuang custard hingga penuh
- panggang kembali selama 40 menit (tergantung ovennya ya)
- angkat dan biarkan hangat.
- quiche lorraine siap dinikmati
coming soon,.... my first time pempek....... ^-^
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