selamat jalan pak haji,..

Innalillahi wa inna illaihi roji'un...

Kita semua memang milik Allah,
He create us, then when the time coming,
We have to go back to Him. The Almighty.

"pak haji". That's the way people in my neighborhood called him.
He's a nice person. Always smile, and i admit that, he's handsome. ^^
First time i knew him when i moved into this neighborhood.
Just because there's always an old white marcedez benz came out from his garage.
And the driver so cute. Seriously! :D
I though he's (the driver) the son of pak haji.
But lately i knew,
After done much talking with him about 3 years ago,
The drivers are his son in-law.
Huhuhu...'patah arang den...'

Well, yeah, 3 years ago we start talking.
He asked me where i come from?
What major i took?
And most of the time we just talk about this country issue or things happened around this neighborhood with pak otong & bu otong too.

As long as i live here, at Tubagus Ismail 1 street,
I know he always drivin' the ambulance.
It kinda social organization ambulance. And that ambulance park in his garage.
And from bu otong i knew that he's already retired from his job.
But his wife still in government.

When the afternoon came in,
He used to sit at "warung bu otong" talkin' with neighborhood.
Sometime talked with "bapak koran" too.
And i used to see him going to our mosque with his white songkok.

And everytime i met him,
Warung bu otong, kios bapak koran, perjalanannya ke mesjid, ato bahkan ketika saya sedang menyebrang jalan di simpang dago dan beliau dengan mobil ambulancenya. Selalu menyapa saya dengan senyuman dan anggukan kepalanya.

But now,
When i went out this evening,
I saw many car parked. It is not usual.
Then i saw big garlands around "ayam mas pras" and pak haji carport. Made me questioning.
I asked pak otong; "what's going on here, sir?"
he said; "pak haji meninggal neng."

First time, i didnt notice which pak haji he's talking about?
I thought pak haji the owner of "ayam mas pras" house.
Then i saw on more time.clearly. The big garlands not precisely at "ayam mas pras".
But in front of pak haji fence.
Then i asked pak otong again,
"pak haji yang dirumah ini pak?"
While my finger pointing at pak haji house.
Pak otong reply;
"iya neng"

Lemeslah saya,..sambil mengucap,..

"innalillahi wa inna illaihi roji'un"

I kept questioning pak otong,
When and why?
And he said, pak haji died because of heart problem in hospital at 1pm.
The body arrived at home at 5pm. And will be buried tomorrow at 8pm in cikutra.

yah, i notice that i didnt see him around lately,.
I thought he was busy of something.
unfortunately, its because he's sick.

Segala seusatu yang menjadi milik Allah, akan kembali ke Allah. Which is everything in this universe. Including human.
I do understan that.
Tapi mulai hari ini saya kehilangan seorang bapak yang baik hati dan murah senyum.
He is really nice and love to smile person.

"semoga senyum-senyum yang beliau tebarkan selama ini bisa membantunya mendapatkan tempat yang indah dialam sana.
Semoga setiap langkah kaki beliau menuju rumah Allah memperlancar jalannya menemui Allah.
Semoga segala amal ibadah beliau diterima Allah dan mendapatkan tempat yang layak disisiNya."

Selamat jalan pak haji, semoga kita bisa bertemu lagi nanti...
I'm gonna miss your smile, sir. T_T


  1. yg deket mana kak rumahnya?
    aku perna ketemu?


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